Uber、ロンドン交通局が免許更新しないと発表 Uberは不服申し立て
Uber adds 6 and 8 seater cars to its fleet in London and
Londonu0027s new late night alternative: The Night Tube + Uber by
Uber Boat takes over London commuter ferry for water rides
Uber adds 6 and 8 seater cars to its fleet in London and
French Uber Rival Kapten Launches in London - Auto Futures
Uberu0027s London HQ heads to Aldgate Tower while service expands to
Ola launches in London, drives past Uber
Uber loses London license over safety concerns
Uber wins key victory in fight to stay in London
TfL hands Uber Boat Hammersmith bridge replacement contract
Uber Loses Its London License : NPR